Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Travel Tips

Hotel/Motel Tips for Travelers
By: Douglas Motz Insurance Agency

Are you planning a stay in a hotel or motel this summer, if so here are some useful safety tips:
♦Stay in hotels on well-traveled streets in safe areas of the city of your destination.
♦Before you go anywhere familiarize yourself with its location. Take a business card or a piece of stationary from the hotel with their name and address; this can help you in the event you get lost.
♦Lower level floors are safer in case of fire; however, you should avoid the first floor as it is the best location for break-ins.
♦Get yourself familiar with the location of stairways, fire escapes routes, emergency exits and alarms.
♦If a fire starts be sure to take your key before leaving the room, since most hotel room doors automatically lock. Never use the elevator during a fire. If there is heavy smoke in the stairwell walk up to the roof fire exit. If there is heavy smoke in the hallway and the exits are blocked it is better to go back to your room. If there is smoke in your room, open a window and turn on the bathroom vent. Call the front desk to tell them where you are, or call the fire department to report your location in the building. Hang something out the window as a signal, for instance, a bed sheet. Fill the bathtub with water to use for fire fighting. Stuff wet towels into cracks around doors or where smoke can enter. Place a wet towel over your mouth and nose to help filter out smoke.
♦Do not use your name when answering the phone.
♦Put the “Do not disturb” sign on your door whenever you leave your room for the day, it will give the impression you are in your room.
♦Always keep your hotel room door locked. Never invite strangers into your hotel room. Before opening the door to a stranger, verify who it is.
♦Never leave your valuables where hotel employees can see them. If there is a safe in the room use it.
♦Be observant when returning to your hotel at night, use the main entrance.
♦Do not stay out on the streets late at night. Walk on well-lit streets. If necessary, arrange for taxi service.
♦Do not assume that because the hotel you are staying at is in a safe neighborhood that all of the surrounding areas are safe. Check with the hotel’s employees to see if there are unsafe areas to stay away from.
For more safety tips call Doug Motz at Douglas Motz Insurance Agency @ 760-200-0270 or go to Check out our blog at and follow us on Facebook!
License # 0F00702

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