Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Travel Tips For Driving To Mexico

Travel Tips For Driving To Mexico

Why do I need Mexican Automobile Insurance?

Southern Californians often take weekend trips across the border into Mexico. It is suggested that you ALWAYS obtain Mexican automobile insurance prior to crossing the border. Mexican authorities do NOT recognize American or Canadian issued auto insurance as valid, regardless that the American policy has Mexican coverage. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in Mexico, it is likely that you will be detained until the local authorities can determine who is at fault. Even if you are not at fault, under Mexican law, motorists are required to have Mexican auto insurance, or officials will want proof of financial responsibility and will expect you to post a bond to cover estimated costs before you will be released. Financial responsibility can be demonstrated either by possession of cash, approximately $5,000.00-$10,000.00, or by possession of Mexican auto insurance through and authorized company.
For information on Mexico automobile insurance prior to traveling to Mexico got to or contact Doug Motz at Douglas W. Motz Insurance Agency at 760-200-0270. License # 0F00702

Prior to traveling to Mexico, travelers should make their own inquiries into Mexican law. This article does not include all available information regarding traveling in Mexico.

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